
DBit Password Solutions for Microsoft Teams Tutorials


Tutorials for Microsoft Teams:

Share Password
Generate Password

Share Password

Step 1 (Share Password)

Click DBit icon and select "Share a password"

Step 2 (Share Password)

Fill in the form:
Password To Share - your secret password
Label - A custom name or description of choice
Expires in this many minutes - Password will not be accessible after this # of minutes. Default is timer is set to 5 minutes.

Step 3 (Share Password)

Click Submit.

Step 4 (Share Password)

Click Send message to send your password with DBit.

Step 5 (Share Password)

Click "Retrieve Password" to View the Password.
Now your recipient will be able to access this password in within the time limit by clicking "Retrieve Password."
Clicking "Force Expiration" will let you stop sharing the password immediately regardless of how much time is left on the timer before the sharing expires.

Step 6 (Share Password)

This is the Show Password view. You have the ability to reveal password or copy password here.

Generate Password

Step 1 (Generate Password)

Click DBit icon and select "Generate a password"

Step 2 (Generate Password)

Fill in the form:
Length of Password To Generate - the number of characters your password should be
Label - A custom name or description of choice
Include Special Characters - Include special characters or not in password generation
Expires in this many minutes - Password will not be accessible after this # of minutes. Default is timer is set to 5 minutes.

Step 3 (Generate Password)

Click Submit.

Step 4 (Generate Password)

Click Send message to send your generated password with DBit.

Step 5 (Generate Password)

Click "Retrieve Password" to View the Password.
Now your recipient will be able to access this password in within the time limit by clicking "Retrieve Password."
Clicking "Force Expiration" will let you stop sharing the password immediately regardless of how much time is left on the timer before the sharing expires.

Step 6 (Generate Password)

This is the Show Password view. You have the ability to reveal password or copy password here.